Consistency of Soil | Stage | Consistency Limit | Liquid – Plastic – Solid – Shrinkage limit | Determination of limit

Consistency of Soil | Stage | Consistency Limit | Liquid – Plastic – Solid |

Consistency of Soil.

  • Consistency
    of soil
    means ease with which a soil paste can be deformed.
  • It is
    denoted the degree of firmness of soil which may be referred as soft, stiff
    or hard soil depending upon its water content.
  • This behavior
    of phase change with the amount of water is known as consistency.

Stage of Consistency.

There are
three stage of consistency liquid, plastic and solid. Increase the water content
in soil. Soil passes from solid to plastic & plastic to liquid stage. Similarly If we heat a liquid paste of soil to reduce its water and decrease in
volume. It’s called shrinkage of soil.

of soil up to a certain point after that soil volume mass will be remains
constant. These are the different stage of consistency.  [ what is brick ]

Consistency Limit.

of soil is a relative to its water content and water content at which soil
changes from one stage of consistency to the another stage of consistency is
called as consistency limit or Atterberg limit of consistency.

  • Depending
    upon the water content soil may be a stiff stage, plastic stage or liquid
    stage. In 1911 Atterberg define the boundary line water content at which soil change from one stage to another stage.
  • Casagrande represent in 1932 improved testing procedure along Atterberg testing procedure.

Atterberg Analysis of Soil :-

  1. Liquid
    stage of consistency. 
  2. Plastic stage of consistency. 
  3. Semisolid stage of
  4. Solid stage of consistency

Liquid Limit (WL) :-

Liquid limit is
as the minimum water content at which the plastics soil changes into
liquid soil and liquid stage of consistency behave like liquid. [ W.S.M & L.S.M ]

It can also
be defined as the water content at which soil passes from liquid stage of
consistency to plastic stage of consistency and vice-versa.

stage of consistency determined
by any standard experimental method.

All the
soil at liquid limit are found to have negligible shear strengths of 2.7 KN/m3. 
can be just measure.

Determination of Liquid Limit. ( IS – 2720, Part 5-1985 )

  • This test is
    performed in a laboratory; Standard apparatus is used known as casagrande’s
  • In casagrande
    apparatus brass Cup mounted on a hard rubber pad. This brass Cup can be raised
    and made to fall on the hard rubber pad.
  • By the
    screws distance of the fall can be regulated.
casagrande apparatus
Cassagrande Apparatus
  • This test
    is performed for the soil particle passing through 425
    µ (micron).
  • From the
    point of view of a determination of liquid limit, which may also be defined as
    the minimum water content at which a part of soil cut by a Standard tool
    flow together by a distance of 1/2 inch in exactly 25 number of blows. [chain surveying]
  • In order to
    find the liquid limit
    , this test is performed at different water content and
    gross cross ponding number of blows required to flow the soil together by a
    distance of 1/2 inch is noted and the result is expressed in the form of curve, called as flow curve.
Flow Curve

Plastic Limit (WP) :-

limit is defined
as the minimum water content at which soil remains plastic
of consistency.

It may also
be defined as the water content at which soil passes from plastic stage of
consistency to semi-solid stage of consistency and vice-versa.

Determination of Liquid Limit. ( IS – 2720 )

  • About 15 gm of air dried soil and passing through 425µ (micron) sieve is taken for plastic
    limit determination. [ concrete compaction ]
  • Make paste of soil passing through 425µ (micron) sieve and
    lift it for some times.
  • Take about 8 gm of soil and the rolled it with
    finger on a glass plate.
  • Rate of
    Rolling should be about 80 to 90 times per minute to from thread of 3 mm diameter.
liquid limit
Liquid limit

  • Plastic
    limit is defined as the minimum water content at which soil begin to crumble
    when rod into a thread of 3 mm diameter.

Type of Soil

Wp (%)

Gravel Sand

Non Plastic


20 – 25 %

Clay ( Alluvial )

25 – 50 %

Clay ( Block Cotton )

200 – 250 %

Clay ( Bentonite )

200 – 400 %

Shrinkage Limit (WP) :-

It is define as the maximum water content below which any reduction in the water content on the soil has no effect over the volume of soil as below shrinkage limit water is being replaced by air of equal volume.

It may also be define as the minimum water content at which soil is completely  saturated.

It may also be define as the water content at which soil passage from solid stage of consistency to semi-solid stage of consistency or vice-versa.

Determination of Shrinkage Limit. ( IS – 2720, Part 6-1972 )

  • Passing 425 micron sieve is taken 30 gm of soil sample in an
    evaporating dish.
  • The soil sample is mixed with sufficient quantity of water
    to bring the soil to a consistency that it may flow. [ type of brick bond ]
  • Mixed soil sample is placed in shrinkage dish in 3 equal quantities
    and fill the dish and excess soil sample is removed and weighed the dish with
    the soil.
  • Allowed to dry till the colour changes from dark to light.
  • Consider a sample of soil having W greater than shrinkage
    and having mass and volume M1 and V1.
  • The sample is subjected to drying in oven at 110℃ and at particular stage of drying where the W
    is equal to shrinkage limit it’s mass and volume is M2 and V2 and at completely
    drying let it’s mass and volume be Md and Vd.
Determination of shrinkage limit
Determination of shrinkage limit
determination of shrinkage limit equation


1. What is consistency of soil.
Consistency of soil means ease with which a soil paste can be deformed.

2. Shrinkage of soil.
There are three stage of consistency liquid, plastic and solid. Increase the water content in soil. Soil passes from solid to plastic & plastic to liquid stage. Similarly If we heat a liquid paste of soil to reduce its water and decrease in volume. It’s called shrinkage of soil.

3. Atterberg analysis of soil.
    Liquid stage of consistency.
    Plastic stage of consistency.
    Semisolid stage of consistency.
    Solid stage of consistency.

4. What is plastic limit 
Plastic limit is defined as the minimum water content at which soil remains plastic stage of consistency.

5. Define liquid limit.
Liquid limit is defined as the minimum water content at which the plastics soil changes into liquid soil and liquid stage of consistency behave like liquid.

3 thoughts on “Consistency of Soil | Stage | Consistency Limit | Liquid – Plastic – Solid – Shrinkage limit | Determination of limit”

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